Broaden your User Experience

Broaden your User Experience
December 15, 2021 by Admin

A single journey map for all users, internal & external, ensures the best organizational performance...

By synchronising the journey maps of both the customer & the customer facing employees, the overall user experience (UX) becomes more consistent, better aligned & more memorable to all concerned stakeholders. This provides an overall significantly better human experience for all concerned and helps refocus the organization for significantly better efficiencies & overall perfomance improvements. Rather than limiting the focus of human experience initiatives simply to the customer experience, as many times is the case, its scope should be broadened to include the employee experience. By blending customer and employee journey maps, businesses can ensure both topline growth and employee retention.

User experience (UX), as well as the overall customer experience (CX), are key to any high performing organization. They are directly tied to customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, revenue generation & the overall customer lifetime value.

Organizations have come to understand the critical nature of user experience & have made customer journey mapping part of their overall customer focused strategies. This is good. However, several companies focus on that at the expense of their employee experience.

Synergizing the customer & employee journeys to achieve the common goal of a memorable CX is the more appropriate approach recommended by INEXEA & delivers superior results. Employees are a vital component of the UX & customer journey. Management, & the organization as a whole, should adopt the approach of taking both the employee & customer experiences as interwoven, intertwined components of the UX & appropriate this fact into strategy formulation. At INEXEA, we advise our clients to appropriately harmonize, merge their customer & employee experience strategies into a single effective strategy. If KPIs, key performance indicators, for measuring the success of CX initiatives are made to appropriately incorporate both employee success & success measurement parameters of the client, all concerned parties will not only be satisfied, but will also be on the same page.

This is particularly applicable when customer facing employees are involved e.g., customer service employees. By doing this, the organization will, from the hiring stage, employ the right personnel, retain the brightest talents & consistently deliver superior results on projects to their clients who in turn will remain consistently satisfied & loyal customers. To achieve this, some organizations will have to fundamentally refocus their operating (& possibly business) model.

By partnering with INEXEA, you enjoy our in-depth expertise & extensive experience. Consequently, you significantly increase your business value, and lower process & infrastructural TCO. So why not get in touch with us today & see how we can bring added value to your business…